This blog highlights the work of Boston College student teachers who have embarked on a mission to set the world aflame, while collaborating with BC's mission to develop a broad world view in future educators.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Assessment at ISL
The diverse student population at ISL lends itself to unconventional assessment techniques. Since it is a private school, they do not adhere to any state or national standards that their students are required to meet. Nor do they have to take any standardized tests at the elementary school level. I asked my cooperating teacher how she goes about assessing her students, since most of them speak different languages and enter ISL at different times during the year, all coming from other countries with different education systems. She talked about how she is constantly assessing her students, but they are never aware of her assessment. Through the inquiry based curriculum provided by the IB program they follow, her assessment is all based on the students performance in class every day. She did mention that as a part of the IB program, she does many pre assessments of her students when they first enter her classroom, but she does not find them as helpful as what she observes on her own. She always looks over their free writing, listens to them read a few times a weeks, and assesses their math skills based on their mastery of facts when she asks them. During our conversation, she talked about this inquiry based system of learning, and how it is very different from both the traditional British and American systems of learning where rote memorization is rewarded through test success. I am not sure how all of the inquiry based assessment would work in classrooms that are driven by the achievement of state standards, but I like how it gives my cooperating teacher the freedom to further differentiate her lessons for her diverse group of students. I think that a combination of both assessment styles would be very beneficial for students.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
A 5th Grade Lesson
At ISL, I spend the first part of my
mornings in second grade and the second part of my mornings in a fifth grade
classroom. I have really enjoyed the
opportunity to see how two different teachers approach teaching large classes
of such diverse learners. The fifth
grade classroom also uses the IB curriculum based around social justice and globalization. I have posted a picture of this unit’s bulletin
board, and the unit is based around the statement, “children should have the
same basic rights and responsibilities.”
My fifth grade cooperating teacher planned a fabulous lesson based
around this statement, which sparked a powerful discussion about human rights.
student received a page out of the book “Where Children Sleep,” which is a
photo essay about children around the world.
Each page in the book provides a picture of the child, a picture of
their sleeping arrangements, and a paragraph about the child. The students were tasked with finding the
child’s country on a map, colouring it in, and answering questions about each
child’s rights. They were asked to
determine which rights children have, if their rights are being met, and if
they are not being met they were encouraged to come up with an idea to change
that. After each student wrote about
their assigned child, my cooperating teacher led a discussion about human
rights in general, and how not everyone around the world is guaranteed their
challenge my cooperating teacher faces is differentiating his lessons so that
all his students will benefit from them.
The fifth grade class is even more diverse than the second grade one,
and all of the children are learning or speak English as a second language. It is hard to have complicated discussions in
English and make sure that each student gets the message, but my cooperating
teacher does a good job of using language that is accessible to everyone. In classrooms that I have observed in the US,
there have been three English language learners at most. Therefore, lessons were planned for students
who speak English and were adapted for those who did not, rather than having to
be adapted for every student in the class.
Teaching a class full of students who speak all different languages is
very challenging, and this school is unique in that this is the norm. I look forward to speaking with my
cooperating teachers about how they assess students when they all speak
different levels of English. Some
students only attend ISL for a few months, and I imagine that this is a great
challenge to the teachers as well. I
have really enjoyed spending time in both second and fifth grade, and I look
forward to getting to know all of my students better!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Hola! Yesterday when I arrived at the International School of Madrid, the principal asked me if I would help out in the nursery classroom instead of in the kindergarten classroom that I have been working with. Of course I was willing to do so and I was looking forward to seeing what a nursery classroom looks like. The children are two-three years old and adorable. However, all of them speak Spanish and hardly any English, which was obviously a problem for me. It can be very frustrating to have a child speaking to you and not being able to understand, to respond, or tell them what to do. Despite this, I did enjoy being in the nursery classroom. There are 26 students, which I think is too many. The whole scene was chaotic. There was always someone crying or screaming, which made it difficult to get anything substantial done. The day started with the students playing in the classroom. They played with blocks and toys, drew, looked at books, played in a sand box etc. Then the teacher had them all sit on the mat and she read them a story. Although I was pleased to see that this teacher had more books in her classroom and was reading them to her students frequently, the book was totally inappropriate for their age and level. It was way too long, with way to many words, and the story was much too complex for two year olds to follow, pay attention, and understand. This became obvious as I watched the students become increasingly fidgety and distracted while the teacher was reading. I think these are things that I notice a lot while I have been at the school in Madrid because of the amount of time we spent picking and choosing books to read during my first prac last spring. The classroom was large, and was pretty standard in terms of what we would expect to see in America as well. There was a circle rug in the front, a book case, several small tables for group work, stuff to play house with, a sand box, and a place the students can play with water. While in the nursery classroom, I noticed that classroom management seems to be the most important factor for the teacher to consider, especially in a room with 26 two year olds. Normally the teacher has a teaching assistant in the classroom with her all day, but since that person was absent yesterday I was meant to take her place. The teacher, Ms. Locket, seemed to have a decent amount of control over the classroom. The students would scream and cry, but would respond quickly to Ms. Locket. If she was reading a story to the students, many of them would be chatting or crying. Often times she would ignore them, but sometimes she would tell them to be quiet or put them in a time out in the corner. It is hard to judge if the management methods that she uses are effective, because I only saw them in action briefly. I am curious how she handles the students when they have conflicts, as two year olds are often pushing each other and tattling on each other. The experience was pretty overwhelming, but eye-opening and enjoyable nonetheless.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
My First Day at the International School of London
I really enjoyed
my first day at ISL today! I am working
in a second grade classroom, and the 19 students in my class are from all over
the world. There are students from the
US, UK, Belgium, Turkey, France, Switzerland, and Japan, and those are only the
students I got to speak to today! The
students spend a part of the day in something called the “Mother Tongue”
program, in which they have an hour of class in their native language. My favourite part of ISL is their curriculum
structure. They use the International
Baccalaureate program to frame their curriculum, from the primary school level
all the way through their high school.
Rather than teaching to specific standards, the IB program takes an
inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning.
The unit that my
class is currently in is framed around the statement, “our choices as consumers
impact people and the environment.”
Lessons about food miles, sweatshops, fair trade, and social justice are
incorporated to help students understand the theme of the general
statement. For example, today in class
the students looked at pictures of people from different cultures gathering and
making food. This sparked a discussion
about where our food comes from and how far it travels to get to us. The whole lesson was very “BC.” I was so impressed by my second graders’
ability to have such a sophisticated conversation. Next week, my cooperating teacher will
incorporate this theme into her math lessons, having her students create bar
graphs for the distances different foods travel to the UK.
In addition to
spending time in the classroom, I attended a second grade planning
meeting. There is only one second grade
classroom, so the meeting was composed of my cooperating teacher and the
English language specialist. There are
always aides in the classrooms to assist the English language learners at the
school. My cooperating teacher told me
that it is rare to only have a few English language learners, and that the 3 in
her class is the smallest number she’s ever had. I am very interested to see how the global
community at ISL enhances classroom conversation and student experiences. I am so excited about how my first day went,
and I can’t wait to observe more lessons and get to know my students better!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Classroom Climate in a 5th Grade classroom in Paris
The moment I met Miss A, I knew we were
going to get along. She was so opened and excited to meet me. She is also very
young. I was so surprised to the number of years she had been teaching. Her
humor and tone of voice reflected her fun personality. No wonder why the
classroom environment was so warm and welcoming.
There are about 20 students in the
classroom. Students from all over the world sit and interact with each other.
The classroom is tiny compared to other classrooms in America. This is because
Paris is a small, populated city, with old buildings that cannot accommodate
for big classrooms like the U.S. Kids sit in groups of 4-5. Because there is a
lack of space, whenever students transitioning from one activity to another,
the classroom always gets very crowded. The teachers I have been observing are
a lot more lenient when it comes to leaving the classroom compared to the
teachers in America. I am not quite sure if this is the “lassiez-faire” French
culture that comes into play or if it’s the teachers’ preferences. Students are
allowed to leave the classroom for water and to use the bathroom at any time.
The teacher had told them to use their discretion in the beginning of the
school year. During a lesson a student will get up and leave to go to the
bathroom. However, not a lot of students do it when the teacher is teaching.
They seem to go during transition periods or mostly during lunchtime. I think
this shows that by having a teacher who seems “lenient” in fact is a sign of
trust to these students. Because Miss A trusts that the students will leave the
classroom at the appropriate time to use the restroom, the students also
respect her rules and do not leave unless it is an emergency or it is a time
when they will not be missing an opportunity to learn.
If Miss A needs the class’ attention, she
usually stands by the door and says, “Class!” After she says that she just
waits. She waits until everyone’s eyes are on her and are ready to receive instructions.
Normally, the students seem to quickly stop what the doing and look towards
Miss A. I have yet to encounter a time when the students did not freeze once
the teacher raised her voice.
Miss A’s down to earth personality really
creates a warm, calm, and welcoming atmosphere in the classroom. The students
never seem anxious about tests or projects because she always reminds them that
there is nothing more you can do than to do your best. She expects a lot from
them and since the students respect her as a teacher they do their best to meet
those expectations.
Lesson Taught in the Classroom
this point I have unfortunately finished my student teaching in Australia,
however, in my time here I have gotten to observe and teach a lot more than
ever expected. I have been able to look at my CT’s methods of planning lessons
and I given opportunities to plan my own as well. In terms of planning for
lessons, my CT definitely takes the time to plan out each part of her lessons,
from the introduction all the way up to the conclusion. This is shown by the
effectiveness of her time management throughout each of her lessons. This was
also a recommendation she gave me for my future lessons, in that she explained
how important is to plan out exactly how much time you want to take for the
introduction to the lesson, for the lesson itself, and for how to
wrap-up/conclude the lesson. This helps ensure that everything gets covered and
that no one part of the lesson drags on for longer than it should. Of course
there will be some variation from the plan if students are having trouble or if
they are flying through the material, however, it is important to have that
general idea. In terms of delivery, my CT begins each lesson with a whole class
introduction. Students are told to come to the front of the classroom and sit
on the rug while my CT is in the front of the class at the Smartboard. Here,
she introduces the topic that is going to be addressed in the work that is to
follow. This whole class discussion is usually followed by individual work,
which is done in the form of a worksheet addressing the topic that was
introduced. Students are told to work individually, but if one student has a
question or if a student finishes early, student collaboration is encouraged. This
work is finished off by a wrap-up or conclusion of the topic that was covered
in order to go over what the students got out of the lesson.
Handwriting seems to be one of the more
structured and teacher led subjects. Each week, my CT leads the students in practicing
writing a specific letter of the alphabet. Using the Smartboard, my CT will
start with the lower case version of the letter. Students are meant to copy
this into their handwriting journals. This process continues with the capital
letter, a word beginning with this letter, and a sentence where every word begins
with that letter. While the students are working, my CT is walking around
checking all of their work and making sure each letter hits each line on the
page in the correct spot. This lesson becomes much more of a step by step
process than her other lessons and it shows how important handwriting is to my
CT. She stresses as close to perfection as the students can get, instilling it
early so it sticks with the students as they get older.
The biggest challenge I have seen my
CT face is dealing with the differing ability levels of students in her
classroom. She has a wide range of students in terms of abilities causing her
to always have extra work planned for those students who finish early or
modified work for students where the work may be too difficult. This is
especially relevant in her classroom because it is so focused on individual
student work so students are constantly finishing at different times. Having
these extra plans was another recommendation my CT gave for my lessons. She
even advised letting the students who finish quicker help those who may be
struggling. She felt that as long as they had something to do to keep them
productive and not disturbing other students than it was important to let
everyone finish at their own speed. Her overall teaching style seems to be
similar to what I have observed in America in terms of objectives and what they
each want to get from the students, but the method of delivering the lessons
are different. With what I have observed here, there is much less teacher lead
“teaching” and more focus on students working individually and taking
responsibility for their own work. This could be because here in Australia I am
in a first grade classroom so keeping students busy with different worksheets
may be more effective than having them sit and listen to the teacher for
extended periods of time. In both classrooms, however, it seemed that the
teachers were very effective in keeping student attention and getting the
material across. I would need to still observe more teachers to get a sense of
whether one method works better than another, or whether it is just be the
teachers knowing their class and knowing how to best get across to their
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Classroom Management at the 3rd Elementary School of Stavroupoli
The first few visits
to the 3rd Elementary School of Stavroupoli in Thessaloniki were
very different from my past pre-practicum experience. I was placed in a special
needs classroom where I worked with students individually. In every way, I had
to adapt to the situation. This was my first time working with students with
special needs and I was unsure of how to do so with such a strong language
barrier and cultural differences. Despite being unable to speak Greek, I have
quickly picked up on the classroom routine and expectations.
My CT, Mr. T, has set
up the classroom to be very focused on individualized teaching. There are only
ever two students in his room at a time, which allows him to work hands-on with
the students. The desks are closely spaced so that he can overlook both students
at the same time from his desk. Since he has both Martin and I to help him,
the students definitely receive the benefit of individualized attention in a
small classroom. The students come in for an hour of lessons in the subjects
they have difficulty with. Here, Mr. T has an assigned box of worksheets for
each student to complete. The room is filled with educational tools and games
to help students learn.
Mr. T expects work
completion by the end of the week, rather than the day. Realizing that the students
have good and bad days, he allows them room to work at their own pace. He also
rewards the students with candies when he sees them put in a lot of effort. Mr.
T is very understanding that the students require extra support and deals with
conflicts as they occur. For instance, some of the students have a hard time
sitting still for a long time and start to fidget and walk around. When this
happens, Mr. T will get up and gently guide them back to their desk. He is very
supportive of the students because of his flexibility. He recognizes that they
will make mistakes and swiftly steps in to help them correct it. There do not
appear to be any formally stated rules or expectations from the students other
than the expectations that they will do their work. I have yet to see any codes
of conduct posters or consequence charts. He has also not expressed to us any
particular expectations that he has set for the students.
In some ways, his
classroom is easier to manage because there are such few students in it each
hour. He is able to give more of his attention to each student, which helps
them focus and complete their work. On the other hand, sometimes it is very
difficult to get these students to comply with the environment of the
classroom. Sometimes the students get unruly, which is very difficult for me to
address due to my limited Greek. When this happens, Mr. T will scold them but
does not administer any punishment or consequence system. He also shares the
students’ progress with their assistants who take care of them in between
The system is a lot
more relaxed than what I’m used to in America. Since this is my first time
working in a special education classroom, I am unsure of what would be standard
in the US. I often wonder if this classroom management style is influenced more
because the students have special needs or if it complies with the relaxed way
of Greek life. Would establishing a formal set of rules and consequences in
this classroom be beneficial? Despite the relaxed structure of the classroom,
the students respond well to Mr. T and to us. I am looking forward to getting
to know the students more and learning more about the education system here!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Differences and Similarities at the International School of Paris
It has been
my 3rd week in Ms. Ashley and Barker’s classroom. I have the
opportunity to go into the school twice a week to teach in both fifth grade
classrooms. I feel like I am getting so much out of this experience because I
am able to spend my time in two classes, where I can see not only the
differences in the structures of the classrooms but also the various teaching
The things that caught my eyes, as
I entered the classroom and spent time working with the children, were the
obvious differences between the classrooms in Paris and those in America. I
help both classes with math. One major difference is that Ms. Ashley never
teaches mathematics to the entire class as a whole. Every day children split up
into their groups, which were determined in the beginning of the year after
several assessments, and are responsible to work on worksheets together that
are tailored to their level. Each day she works with a different group, where
she plans a lesson for them and guides them to understand each problem.
Children work with partners in their groups. Partner 1 will be given worksheet
A and Partner 2 will be given worksheet B. They will work on the worksheets
separately and after 20 minutes they will switch papers and check their
partner’s work. Problems on the worksheets correspond to one another, allowing
a partner explain a problem to the other if the student did not get the correct
answer. At the school I completed my first pre-practicum, the teacher always
gave a lesson to the entire class. After the lesson there were smaller group
activities tailored to students of different levels. Ms. Ashley says she
prefers it this way because she wants everyone to reach their highest potential
and she believes working with such a diverse group of kids with various levels,
splitting into groups is the optimal way of achieving her goal. What do you
think are some pros and cons to her method? Which would you prefer?
Another difference is the diversity
of the students. Since the school is an international school, every student is
from a different country. My CT told me that the school tries to pair students
from the same country in the same classroom so they can use their mother
language to help communicate in the classroom. Every student understands
English but almost all the children speak in different accents, which I find
fascinating. Also I always see students who speak the same language helping one
another understand materials. I think this promotes diversity and raises
cultural awareness since the students are freely able to share their traditions
and cultures in the classroom.
Despite the obvious differences
between teaching abroad and teacing in America, I also observed some
similarities. Miss Ashley and Mr. Barker both collaborate a lot. There is a lot
of communication between the two teachers. A door connects their classrooms. I
see Mr. Barker in Miss. Ashley’s class all the time and visa versa. They always
seem to discuss lessons and activities. Also since I work with both classes, I see
that they are always learning the same materials. The students are taught the
same materials in different ways depending on the teacher’s style. In Boston, my
CT would always collaborate with other teachers to gain ideas and suggestions
from other teachers. She gained a lot of perspective by listening to other
Another similarity is the
technology that is used in the classroom. The classroom has a smartboard along
with ipads and laptops. There are basic things like white boards and markers
for the students. In America, especially in schools that can afford it have
technology similar to those mentioned above to enrich a child’s experience of learning.
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